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Kingdom Tabakan Curl Mascara (Clear Black)

RM 89.00

Kingdom Tabakan Curl Mascara (Clear Black)

只需这1支即可实现偶像级束感睫毛【王国的束感卷发睫毛膏】防水防汗、防泪 使用方便的透明黑色


  • 梳子型防水睫毛膏
  • "1根束感睫毛"、"防水防水处方"
  • "可以映衬着彩妆"、"轻松制作束感的睫毛膏"
  • "通过保持卷发的打蜡,一整天睫毛向上",在化妆的同时进行睫毛护理"


首先,用睫毛夹将睫毛从根部均匀地提升。 用梳子在睫毛上涂抹睫毛液,用相对面的束感卷起睫毛。 使用束感的卷曲面时,按住睫毛根部,左右摇晃一束,朝着发尖,卷起就会变得美丽。

Kingdom Tabakan Curl Mascara

A comb mascara that easily creates full lashes without the need for tweezers. Creates a finish that is both powerful and effortless looking. Contains curl keeping wax to keep lashes up for a long time.


・Mascara comb for bundling lashes to create a beautiful bundle without needing any special technique or skills

・Waterproof for long lasting smudging resistance

・Contains beauty essence ingredients to care for lashes while applying makeup

・Quick drying mascara liquid that prevents clumping

■How to use

1. Use an eyelash curler to lift lashes evenly and firmly from the root.

2. Apply mascara solution to lashes while combing lashes.

3. Gather lashes with a bunching coil by pressing the bunching coil to the base of the lashes and wiggle it from side to side 4 to 5 times. When a bundle of lashes is formed, apply mascara toward the tips of the lashes.